Biolase - Waterlase

Virtually Painless

Are you scared of going to the dentist because you’ll hear the dreaded drill screeching in your ear? Or maybe you are terrified of the needle — and who likes leaving the dental office with a droopy or puffy face? All these dental fears can be minimized with a WaterLase dentist. The WaterLase is a dental laser that enables the dentist to use minimal and even no anesthetic or drills to perform many routine dental procedures!

Natural Water-Powered Dentistry

The WaterLase combines water, air and laser energy for safe use on human tissue in the mouth. Our teeth are partially made up of water and when the laser makes contact with the tooth it excites the water molecules to cut through the tooth. Since the laser continuously sprays out water it keeps the tooth hydrated preventing heat and giving you a virtually pain free experience!

It's More Convenient

Even for those who floss, brush and use fluoride regularly, sometimes you still end up with a cavity. Between work, school, and children, plus everything else, there is no time to schedule another dental appointment. Now you don’t have to worry because your WaterLase dentist can do it all at the same time. Since it’s less likely you will need an injection to fill your cavity, your dentist can do multiple simple procedures in a single visit! A WaterLase dentist saves you the hassle of going to a specialist because they can perform a wide variety of procedures.

Safe and Precise

Lasers for use in dermatology, ophthalmology and cosmetics have been around for years and so has the WaterLase. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1998, the WaterLase is cleared for numerous procedures and can be safely used on all ages.

What is great about the WaterLase is how precise it is! Regular dental drills rely on removing large amounts of tooth to get the job done, and the constant grinding and spinning of a drill bur can cause cracks and pain. The WaterLase, on the other hand, removes very precise amounts of tooth, without damaging or cracking the rest of the tooth! And because it is so precise, you will rarely need anesthetic!

For a dental choice that is both safe and precise, choose a WaterLase dentist near you. It is the clear way to go!

Reduce The Risk of Cross-Contamination

If you have ever had food poisoning, you know what cross-contamination is: encountering bacteria where you don’t expect it. The potential for cross-contamination between patients in any dental or medical environment is a real and widely documented risk.

WaterLase has the potential to reduce this risk. It works without contact to the tooth and the dentist can operate with single-use, disposable tips so you don’t have to worry about what might have been in someone else’s mouth.

No Extra Charge

Most WaterLase dentists do not charge anything extra to use the WaterLase laser for your procedure.* They offer WaterLase because they feel it improves the quality of their dentistry. Often using WaterLase allows the dentist to be more productive – avoiding the delay of waiting for anesthetic to take effect, enabling the dentist to do more procedures during one appointment, and making it possible for the dentist to perform procedures that used to be referred out to specialists. This saves you and the dentist time and money!

Imagine that – high-tech dentistry that costs the same as conventional dentistry.
